On July 4, Trail Guy and I hiked to Timber Gap. The flowers were early, but abundant, and the gap still had snow. We met a couple of hardy backpackers who planned a long trip in a short number of days. Then we took the old wagon road out of Timber Gap, and traversed the slope back down to the trail.
Mineral King valley view from the trail.
This little nondescript stream was flowing quite strong beneath Empire.
Red, white, and blue.
The Phlox were thick, along with Blue Lips.
Snow in Timber Gap.
Trail Guy was explaining things of Mineral King to two hardy backpackers.
The old wagon road was built by the miners and used to get to the mines on Empire. We use it to create a sort of mini-loop on an otherwise up-and-back trail.
This view from the old wagon road is one of the reasons to take this hike.
Trail Guy likes the word “traverse” and picks good routes for me to follow.
While traversing down to the trail, I watched the ground carefully. It was not a hardship view.
That snow-packed area in the distance is White Chief.
100 page paperback, flowers in photos, common names only, lots of chatty commentary, $20 including tax. Available here Also available at the Three Rivers Historical Museum, Silver City Store, from me if I put them in my car, or Amazon.
Beautiful photos, Jana! *sigh* I can’t wait for my turn! (only 17 more sleeps)!
YEA Sharon!
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