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Trail Guy Goes to Ranger’s Roost

Do you know “Ranger’s Roost”? It is the higher ground to the west of Timber Gap.

I didn’t go. I was at home, dealing with a situation. More on that next week. . .

Trail Guy was gobsmacked by the abundance of phlox, as evidenced by the abundance of photographs of phlox.

Timber Gap has great views, both north and south.

I love trail photos.

If you are reading this post on the day it goes live, I hope to be back in Mineral King. Probably not hiking, maybe painting, probably just reading or knitting or splitting wood. Maybe next week’s Mineral King post will have photos taken by me with my camera.

P.S. You can tell these photos are from Trail Guy’s camera because the sky has those dark spots (from something on/in the lens, not chemtrails). He doesn’t mind. I bought him a new camera, and he declined it. I kept the new camera, and it went weird, while his spotty camera just keeps soldiering onward. I bought myself another new camera, and so far, so good.

1 Comment

  1. I, too, love trail photos. It tells a story of a path worn by thousands (or more!) feet traipsing to destinations unknown, or just to explore this beautiful valley created by God for our enjoyment.

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