Tulare County’s Best

Whenever I have a show, no matter how many pieces sell, I bring home the rest and wonder why they didn’t sell. Then I think about the ones I’ve had the longest, pieces that I have improved on each time I show them again. How can I make these pieces better?

I did this scene as an 8×10 to test it out. It was the beginning of my phase of painting orange groves with hills and snow-covered mountains, which coincided with my beginning forays into plein air painting. This type of scene embodies the best parts of Tulare County—rural, citrus, foothills, snowy Sierra.

Tulare County’s Best, 8×10″

It was fun, but of the quality that caused my dearest and closest (and most honest) folks to ask if I was finished with it. So, I touched it up again, and it Is better. But it still hasn’t sold.

Tulare County’s Best, 8×10″

In spite of this little painting’s lack of success, I still love this scene. I painted it again, this time 24×24″. (Sometimes I actually do paint what I love instead of just what I think might sell.)

Tulare County’s Best II, 24×24″, NFS*

Now we’re cooking with gas! Brighter colors this time, because as I develop my skills and “voice” as a painter, I gain more freedom to exaggerate and embellish (but within reason, because I am still a leading citizen of Realville).

Three shows in good galleries (well, come on, I know this is Tulare County, so they are non-profit galleries rather than big city pushy money-hungry galleries) and it hasn’t found a home.

Think, think, think, AHA!

First, let’s try a little better living with technology, and tiptoe into the AHA. Using Photoshop Junior, I combined Tulare County’s Best II with a detail from a more recent painting of the same genre.

What do you think now? (almost said, “How do you like them apples?”)

Yeppers, Tulare County’s Best will get even better.

*NFS means Not For Sale, because it isn’t finished yet.

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  1. Tulare County’s Best II painting. I know the foothills are kinda rounded, but maybe they need some angularness on the tops of the foothills? Or some rocky out croppings? Just a thot.

    • Thanks Melissa, I will take that under advisement!

  2. I hope I am among Your People; you’re certainly among mine! They’re all that count, right??

  3. I like it! It just needed more detail, like the barns and the splash of oranges in the foreground.

    (You should have written, “So, how do you like them oranges?”)

    • There are so many approaches to putting in details: some say confine them to one area of the painting, preferably the middle ground (rather than foreground or background). I continue to flail around, and retouching a painting usually means adding more detail anywhere I can. The Big Boys and Girls of the ArtWorld don’t agree with this. I don’t see them hovering around with checkbooks, and I doubt that if they were around, they’d approve of anything I paint. They are not My People.

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