In the world of computers, “update” is a euphemism for “complication”. (Never mind what “upgrade” means – it is a word made up in the 21st century to confound all sensible people.)
In my world, “update” means recent information on unfinished or unreported business.
- The Wildflowers of Mineral King: Common Names will not be published by Christmas. There is no need for such a book in December; there is a need for such a book in July. My publishing date goal is May of 2019
- Did you remember that I have another blog called The Cabins of Wilsonia? This is about putting together and publishing the book of that name, and although it has been out since December of 2014, I still have thoughts about it. The book is available here.
- Sometimes I look at a painting in my studio and think of a way to make it better. Here is White Chief III, before and after:
- A friend sent me a photo of this sketch I did in 1985. Thank you, Pam!
- Another friend sent me this illustration that really explains things well. Thank you, Deanne!
- If you want to commission me to draw or paint something in time for Christmas, I can do it if it is small and if you provide good photos (or choose something I have good photos and good solid information about).
- I thought a painting of a Sequoia was finished and then decided the base of the tree looked like a puffball mushroom. Here is before and after:
Sunny Sequoias #34, 6×6″, SOLD The colors are more realistic in the do-over, not because of how it was painted, but because of how it was edited on the computer. - #5 might apply to an email exchange I had with someone about some folks (unknown to me) who wanted the Christmas cards I drew and had printed in 1993. They changed their minds because it was too expensive (and I didn’t even charge them for the use of the design nor did they have to pay for the original drawing). This is the design – isn’t it quaint?

And that’s all for today, folks! Consider yourself updated, hopefully in an uncomplicated and entertaining manner.
P.S. Today’s oil painting at Anne Lang’s Emporium