There you go, Search Engines. Hope you like that ridiculously long title.
I had a day of great variety, all of it interesting, all of it productive
- This book, Adventures in Boy Scouting, will soon be available as an ebook through Bookbaby. It took a lot of learning, and a lot of proofreading. The print version is available at the Three Rivers Mercantile, Three Rivers Historical Museum, and
- After enjoying the nice fire in the house (in the wood stove—no need to be concerned) while proofreading (we had a few cold days), I moved to the painting workshop to do a bit of polishing on the Fiftieth Bouquet oil painting. “Polishing” here means making some small corrections. The roses, red bow, vase, coaster and background are not finished.
I detailed the mountains and put a second layer on my favorite scene.
- Then I left the painting workshop and moved into the studio to finish a drawing. After scanning it, I sent it to the customer to get her approval before spray-fixing it and then adding color.
It was a good day of working on projects that are all presold. While it is fun to just paint and draw what I want, it is more satisfying to paint and draw for other people, particularly when they choose subjects that float my boat.
In case you have forgotten because I haven’t shouted this at you for awhile:
Using pencils, oil paint, and murals, I make art that you can understand, of places and things you love, for prices that won’t scare you.