When I show paintings in progress on my blog, they don’t cause people to comment. Comments are fun for a blogger, show that people are reading and care enough to say something, and provide a way for a bit of interaction. When I talk about places I walk or hike and show photos, the comments come in more often.
Funny how that works – it is more enjoyable for my readers to see where I walk and what I see than to watch paint dry.
So, today there will be a little bit of drying paint, and a little bit of scenery.

Since switching to Spectrum, there is no longer a telephone in the painting workshop (or in my studio, but that is a very long, annoying and boring tale). So maybe it is time to erase the phone #s on the chalkboard. But this is long and boring and annoying, and I’ve promised you other photos.

That was just a regular Three Rivers walk on a popular road for walkers. A friend who lives below Blossom Peak had neck surgery and has to walk a certain distance each day in a flat place. She got tired of circling her house, so I brought her to a flat place near my house to get in her steps. The pace was much slower than my regular morning walks, the light was much brighter, and it made everything look even prettier than normal.
There. Aren’t you glad you made it through the paint drying session?
Jana, I don’t think your paintings all look the same!! I’m loving each and everyone of them!! In fact, you’re making it very difficult for me to choose the one I like best so I can purchase it!!
Keep showing them!! And FYI, we read!!
Thank you, Anonymous, for loving the paintings, for wanting to buy one, for the encouragement to continue showing them to The Blog and for letting me know you read my posts. I appreciate you and your words!
Just because we/they/I don’t comment on painting progress doesn’t mean we/they/I don’t read every word with interest!
Dear you all/they/you, Thank you for the reassurance! But I will go a little heavy on the walking, sources of inspiration, I Love Spring and Green Is Gorgeous posts for awhile. Besides, all my paintings look alike right now.
We all need a break from the routine now and then. That’s what vacations are for. Especially train vacations!
Sharon, is that a bullet train? JUST KIDDING!
Ha Ha not in THIS state, there ain’t!
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