Happy Birthday, Deanne!!

“What are you doing?” is a question directed to me, not to you. Some days I don’t know what to do. It results in talking to myself, occasionally in an audible voice. This isn’t because there isn’t anything pressing; it is because I can’t figure out how to prioritize.
What would you do first? What am I doing??
- Begin painting the oil commission of Homer’s Nose with the Oak Grove Bridge
- Work on the oil painting of the South Fork of the Kaweah
- Begin a pencil commission that is too hard for me
- Work on the 2019 calendar drawings
- Package up note cards and reproduction prints for the upcoming show at Silver City (just below Mineral King) on June 30 called Art: Inspired by Mineral King
- Work on my bookkeeping to be ready to pay quarterly sales tax
- Work on “populating” my web site renovation
- Scan a drawing for a student and do the photoshop prep
- Photograph a completed painting and do all the computery things necessary to make it good for the website
Sometimes the business of art is just a quagmire of decision making. There is some study somewhere out there in some book that explains “decision fatigue”, how the more decisions we have to make in a day causes us to be less able to make good decisions.
When I am figuring out what to work on next, I factor in weather (is it too hot in the painting workshop room?), deadlines (what is coming up next?) and finances (what activity will generate income when it is finished?).
#1 will generate income; #2 is just a speculation painting; #3 will generate income; #4 has an October deadline; #5 has a June 30 deadline; #6 has a deadline that I have forgotten about and ignore until an email reminder comes; #7 has been dragging along since January, my blog subscription button is gone, there are paintings listed for sale that have already sold and new paintings and cards that aren’t listed. Finally, #8 and #9 are just meh.
What did I decide to do?
Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you.
Today’s painting for sale:
Never mind. Can’t decide. Decision fatigue, you know. . .?
I am so happy to have your blog working again! Love it!
Thank you, Virginia! I am relieved.
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