Remember Henry and Dora in front of their tent last week? Here, have another look:
I showed my drawing students, because it is good to learn from one another. They were kind and complimentary, but honest, as we are with one another. “What is that thing in the tent?” is something I heard a few times.
I dunno. Some of their belongings covered in a tarp, perhaps.
My curiosity got the best of me, so I returned to the photos, both the original and the photoshopped version where I removed two of the women so the customer could see a version of what he had requested–just Henry and Dora, please.
Original photo:Photoshopped version:
Well, oops. That thing is the lap and legs of one of the women that I photoshopped out of the photo. The converse to “If I can’t see it, I can’t draw it” is, “If I see it, I draw it”.
That’s why we have erasers. Here is the revised Henry and Dora drawing.
Hi, thanks for your email. An email to you soon.
Can you put something in the tent? It feels like that would be more realistic. I love the people out front. Home steaders? Very neat. They have movement in them, her especially. And the lantern drew my eyes too.
Hi Jennifer – the customer is happy, so I am stopping! They are living in the tent because she has TB and the mountain air was supposed to be better for her, so not quite homesteading.
Wow, tb! Neat history. I wonder how their story ended.
Jennifer, stay tuned. More will be revealed in the fullness of time (after the book gets written!)
Hahaha! Love it :-)! Leah
Leah, wasn’t that a weird mistake on my part? I love erasable pencil. 😎
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