These Mineral King oil paintings appear to be troubled. Sawtooth, the Oak Grove Bridge, and more Sawtooth, all looking topsy-turvy and scribbly.
Nothing wrong here – just letting the bottom edge dry.Lots of things wrong – spacing, angles, proportions, curves, and can’t see what I need on the photo. Turning things upside down revealed many wrong shapes.The red lines show how it is supposed to be. Maybe. This angle may be too hard for me. Technically speaking, mechanically speaking, everything I need to know is on that photo – all the shapes and proportions are there. BUT I CAN’T SEE THEM!! Nothing wrong here. Just letting that bottom edge dry. Will I add foreground trees? More will be revealed. Plus, I was working on this at the end of the day, using artificial lighting. In the daylight, it may be clear that the painting needs more layering.