When I am not Editing. . .

… I am working on several art projects at once. That is, IF I am actually working.

The little beach paintings are still progressing. I have enough boards for twelve of these. Six are now completed, three more are in the messy first layer stages, and three more are waiting for my decision to either paint more beach scenes, or paint some oranges.

I like these little boards.

Pacific Ocean IV, 5×7”, oil on gessobord*, $75

There are also three unfinished oil paintings in the painting workshop, but none have deadlines. The beach paintings don’t have deadlines either, but their small size gives me the illusion of productivity and progress.

Meanwhile, I have two very complicated pencil commissions to complete. One is now in progress; the other is awaiting my thumbnail sketches for the customer to choose from.

“Bad things happen quickly; good things take a long time. This is why patience and determination are such primary virtues.”

I don’t know who said this, but I intend for these two difficult pencil commissions to be good, so they may take a long time.

*Gessobord is something akin to masonite, coated very smoothly with gesso, a thick white paint, probably acrylic.

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