The White Chief oil painting might have been a teensy bit too hard for me, but I got-‘er-dun. Here is how it looked last time I showed you.
Now there is more detail on the bank above the pond and more detail on the lower left corner. The pond has some new color too.
New day, new work on the painting: first thing in the morning is intense sunlight (and shadow from the window pane divider).I’ll work on the middle left. Here’s a close-up of the before:
And here’s a close up of the after. The lighting has changed so it isn’t a completely fair comparison.
Now I am sort of going all over the lower half of the canvas, improving anything that I can see how to improve. The pond, lower right, and middle right all got some new layers of detail.
Just the lower right corner needed attention.
One more session, and the Fat Lady got to sing.

So, which task is harder: hiking to White Chief, or painting it?
Painting it, for sure!!
Love it!!! Leah
Thank you, Leah. This one was worth pushing through the hard stuff.
Beautiful Jana! Gina
Thank you, Gina! You ought to see the real place in person to truly experience beauty.
Jana, you know your countryside. I love the panoramic vistas you get with your murals as well. The gecko painting was great!
I am also an artist, transplanted from Kansas to just a few weeks ago to Savannah Ga. I have new landscapes to learn about here with the marsh. I also paint abstracts and animals. Going to begin with what I know first, which are the animals. However, my favorite current subject matter is cosmic space. Have sold a number of those. No website yet. Just Face book. Can see most on my personal page, but had begun with Janet Bailey Contemporary Art a year before I began to pack and sort for this move. So had to stop painting, horrible feeling! My landscapes were mostly large 24 x 32 watercolors. I sold those for years as my first love.
Guessing you like WordPress, it seems to be a great place for you to blog. Hope to do that too one day. Probably gives you a good following. You are prolific with your art and persistent with having something every month, (day) to show. Shows your work ethic and taking your painting and drawing seriously. Do like the humor which is also enjoyable along with the art. I still have some of the cards that Nikki sent while she was taking your drawing class. I hope to teach watercolor once I get my studio set up. Know you are super busy, but if you have any tips for me, I am listening. Thank you Jana, Janet
Janet, welcome to the blog. Savannah will be a beautiful change. Tips: Just paint! Not everything has to be worthy of showing or selling; practice is important, especially if you honestly evaluate your work and learn from every painting. Good luck to you, and ask me if you want help (but remember that I know NOTHING about watercolor!)
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