You may have noticed that my blog is looking a little different, a bit wonky and weird. The headline looked broken for awhile, and I am no longer able to put in the tagline of “In which the Central California artists [bloviates endlessly about her art and life]”.
The Thing, the big ShutDown, showed me that my website is inadequate. When drawing lessons were forbidden and my commissioned work was completed, I learned about web design. (Actual design, not coding – no need to be impressed here.) I spent a great deal of time figuring it out on paper, typing it on the computer, and sending it off to my web designer.
Last week he started working on it. So far, the results are wonky and weird. This is due to the nature of the work, not to any ineptness on the part of my web designer.
Eventually, the site will focus on custom work, AKA “commissions”, which is Artspeak for a piece of work done to the customer’s specifications and tastes and desires.
The blog will remain the blog; it might look wonky and weird for awhile, and then either we will adjust to the new look or it will return to normal in appearance.
Meanwhile, thanks for hanging out with me and my elephant.
P.S. “I before E except after C. Weird.”
The huffalump is kinda cute.
Dan, “huffalump” is also pretty cute.
Giving birth involves pain and continual adjustment. Or so I’ve heard. I imagine it’s the same when birthing any kind of new creation. Patience is required, and eventually the end result will be worth the awkward process! Or so I’ve heard!
Does your elephant have a name? What is his history? How old is he? Why does he have a tag attached to his tummy? C’mon, let’s have some details!
Sharon, I’ve had the elephant almost my entire life and I don’t know why. Mom said it is a replacement for one that I wore out. I’ve never read the tag, and it is simply called “My Elephant”.
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