If you think your cabin and cabin community might burn up along with your home and your town, you can spin in circles, nervously jabber on the phone, send endless emails and texts, putter, make a dog’s breakfast of your knitting, compulsively refresh websites with fire maps, randomly go through cupboards, seek oral gratification, pace, try to take deep breaths and then experiment with your new wheezy smoker’s cough.
You can also put on your big girl pants and do some work.

Cough cough, hack, wheeze.
It was actually sort of not too smoky yesterday so we took a walk.
See what I mean about helicopters and the little marbles they carry?
Looking downstream – not too bad.
Looking upstream – yeppers, big wildfire, but smoke not as bad as it has been.
At one time, it looked this way. It could again. We could get rain. There is no reason to think that winter will never happen again. The peaks upstream don’t show in this drawing because it was winter and they were hidden by clouds, not smoke. Remember those days?
Oops. See what I mean about nervously jabbering?