An older and wiser friend reminds me from time to time that life is like a roll of toilet paper–the closer to the end, the faster it goes.
I’ve been thinking lately that you know you are middle-aged when. . .
. . . you prefer hiking uphill to downhill because your knees kill you going downhill.
. . . you choose not to watch a movie because you don’t want to shuffle 3 remote controls and don’t understand why it is even necessary.
. . . your pastor, doctor and the president are all younger than you. (Not so with the current president, in case you were wondering.)
. . . you go to your class reunion and can’t find your friends among all the old people.
. . . you know the words to the orchestrated songs in the grocery store.
. . . you notice young people driving too fast instead of old people driving too slow.
. . . you recognize the word “update” as a euphemism for “complications and trouble ahead”.
Do you have anything to add to this list?
*Rapid Change is available for sale here.